Getting to know our athletes – Thibault LEFRANÇOIS (FRA)

Over the forthcoming weeks, PVE will be giving the spotlight to the key figures on the court: the players themselves.

Each paravolley athlete boasts a unique story to share. Through a series of interviews, we will have the opportunity to gain deeper insight into the experiences of some of Europe’s most distinguished paravolley athletes, as they guide us through their personal journey in the sport, expressing their passion for the game along the way.

Today, we are headed to France, where we speak to Thibault Lefrancois.

What was your first experience of sports, and of sitting volleyball in particular? 

My first sport’s experience was practicing judo when I was  6 years old. I tried sitting volleyball in May 2019, and I fell in love with this sport. 

What made you decide to become a sitting volleyball athlete? 

When I tried sitting volleyball for the first time, I loved the technical aspect, all the mental fight and the speed you got on the ground. I saw that I could improve and progress quickly. 

When did you begin playing in ParaVolley Europe competitions, and what do you remember from your first competition? 

My first Paravolley Еurope competition was in Türkiye in 2021. We were outsiders, so it wasn’t easy. But this experience was nice – to learn and to see how we had to improve. 

What is your personal experience of sports as a professional paraathlete, and what does it mean to you? 

I’m not a professional paraathlete, I work. Sometimes, it is not  easy to find the right balance between professional life and sports life, but I am passionate about sitting volleyball.  

What would you say is your biggest achievement?  

My biggest achievement was this year in Egypt during the World Cup. We were successful in finishing on the tenth position, and it was a perfect time to be with the team. 

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