Joint meeting between Africa and Europe Paravolley Zones

The 1st Joint meeting between ParaVolley Africa and ParaVolley Europe was held in Malta on 3rd October 2022 following the PVE Board of Administration meeting. 

Mr. Ehab Hassanein, ParaVolley Africa President, Mr. Branko Mihorko, ParaVolley Europe President, and Nello Calleja, PVE General Manager were present for the meetings. 

Also present online was Dr. Howyda Aly Mondy, ParaVolley Africa Treasurer and Project Manager.

Ehab Hassanein and Branko Mihorko in deep discussion on the cooperation between the two zones

During the meetings, the following issues were discussed:

  • Mediterranean Beach Games 2023 – These games will be held in September 2023 in Heraklion, Crete (GRE) and for the first time will include paralympic sports.  These games are open to countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and include active ParaVolley countries in Europe and North Africa.  Both Federations see these games as another step in developing the ParaVolley Beach disciplines, as well as to attract new countries not only to Beach ParaVolley, but also to ParaVolley as a whole.
  • PVE set up – PVE President explained in detail how PVE works on a day-to-day basis with elected officials and professional people taking care of organisational issues.
  • Digitalisation of PVE
  • Competition structure within PVE with different levels of European Championships, Nations Leagues, Club Competitions and Beach events.
  • Cooperation between the two federations in terms of technical information, documentation, training camps, equipment, administration, etc.
from left to right: Nello Calleja, Ehab Hassanein, Branko Mihorko

Both organisations look forward to developing a closer cooperation between their zones and potentially include the other zones.

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